Ignition! For Parents
Making Family Life More Harmonious!
Being a parent comes with such excitement in the beginning and then some overwhelm and then some awe that you created this bundle of joy! And then... terrible twos, toddler tantrums, tweens and teen challenges set in and you wonder "What the heck am I supposed to do? Where is the handbook when you need it?!"
Wherever you are in that cycle of things, it's frustrating figuring out what is going on and how to get things back on track. You just want to be great parents but no one prepared you for what you are experiencing and you have no clue where to go next. So far nothing has seemed to work but you are not ready to give up and give in yet!
After years of personal experience bringing up my own kids and working with hundreds of families and thousands of young people all around the world, I experimented, explored, researched, trained, implemented, tweaked, and finally honed the most effective and impactful ways to work with parents to bring harmony back into the home. I am thrilled to share some of the most key elements of all this here with you.
By the end of this course you will be empowered to communicate confidently, restore calm and create a family in collaboration with each other. You will learn what makes you tick and what makes each of your young people tick (and that may be very different for each of you!). You will learn about the importance of personal Flow and Family Flow to reduce stress and worry. You will create your very own blueprint for positive interactions and behaviours to implement to restore peace and normality back to family life.
This course is for you if:
- You want to parent positively and support your kids to manage their behaviours and emotions in a way that brings out the best in them and you
- You have listened to lots of advice but nothing has worked yet
- You want to feel that you are back in control as a parent and enjoying being a mum or dad again
In this course you will learn:
- More about you and your natural attributes and how they influence your behaviour and expectations.
- More about the natural attributes of your partner and kids and how they influence their behaviour and expectations.
- How to better communicate and collaborate rather than get frustrated and conflict.
- Understand why it feels like a battle of wills and how to influence better behaviours
- Create your own blueprint for Household Harmony and set the Rules of the Game.
There's a whole journey of discovery and insight waiting for you right now to take you from feeling defeated to delighted with the results you will get by implementing the actions in the program. So it you are ready to be empowered and in charge enrol below and let's get started!
Get started now!
Your Instructor
“Inspiring you to find the best within yourselves in order to give the best of yourselves” TeeJay Dowe has a single mission, purpose & vision – To positively impact the lives of 10 million young people world-wide, through the Ignition! Coaching & Training Program
From the age of just 4 years, TeeJay totally believed she was not good enough, was painfully shy, had no confidence & no self-esteem. She understands first-hand the devastating effect a belief like ‘not good enough’ can have on all of the decisions we make in life & settling for second best was second nature.
Her journey from student technician to Pharmacist to NeuroStrategist & NLP Trainer has been an amazing adventure over the last decade & testimony to the fact that you can not only dream bigger dreams but they can come true!
TeeJay is creating partnerships with parents, youth coaches & organisations around the globe who already work with young people to really maximise the transformation of a generation.