Creating Positive Body Image
Love the You You See in the Mirror
Your Instructor
From the age of just 4 years, TeeJay totally believed she was not good enough, was painfully shy, had no confidence & no self-esteem. She understands first-hand the devastating effect a belief like ‘not good enough’ can have on all of the decisions we make in life & settling for second best was second nature. Took a job instead of a career, bullied at work, single parent at 19, string of failed relationships, TeeJay found her escape by being emotionally numb & just got through each day. That is until Life intervened & gave her a wake-up call!
Her journey from student technician to Pharmacist to NeuroStrategist & NLP Trainer has been an amazing adventure over the last decade & testimony to the fact that you can not only dream bigger dreams but they can come true!
In 2006 TeeJay left corporate life in the pharmacy industry to swap “Gotta work hard, to get a good job, to earn a good living” for entrepreneurship to “Play hard, have an incredible business & abundance!” She also changed the question “Am I good enough yet?” to a statement “Damn right I’m good enough!!” & life has been ALIVE ever since!
TeeJay now runs 2 businesses delivering coaching, training and coach training programs within Health and Social Care and the Mental Health Sectors.
She is a published author, international trainer, speaker & coach. TeeJay has delivered programs in the UK and Ireland, America, Australia, Canada, South Africa, Hawaii and Bali.
TeeJay Dowe
Creator of the Ignition! and Discover Your Bright Spark Programs
Author of ‘PerfectShun – Permission to be Human’ and The Spark To Your Success
National Ambassador for Prosperity and Peace – England
STEM Ambassador
Podcaster - The Spark To Your Success